About Us
Our Vision
Be a feminist leader advocating the rights of women to a healthy and violence-free life.
Our Mission
The Centre Victoria pour femmes (CVF) supports and accompanies women and speaks out on behalf of the independence of all francophone women who have experienced, are exposed to or are at risk of gender-based violence.
Our Values
Equity, Security, Independence,
Respect, Collaboration
Our Principles
We are committed to:
- ooffering confidential, free and accessible services in French;
- applying the feminist intervention approach;
- offering services led by women and for women;
- providing support, information and referral services to women without personal bias or prejudice;
- promoting autonomous decision-making;
- providing a meaningful work environment.
The feminist intervention approach
As a feminist social worker, my role is to speak out on behalf of women’s rights by serving as a resource person in a support role and as a facilitator and educator. According to Penwill (2002), a feminist social worker exercises the following roles:
- accompanying (rather than supervising) the person in a vulnerable situation and help her to see her situation as a whole, to understand the consequences of her decisions, to identify her options, to make informed choices and to understand the risks associated with the choices she makes;
- asserting the users’ rights through social systems and institutions (using tools, information and preparation);
- establishing a sense of trust with the user;
- offering the user ongoing support;
- providing information on available resources;
- in the course of these interventions, providing a place of education on the user’s personal and legal rights in their close relationships and acting as role model.
Penwill, Kathryn, (2002), Vivre dans la zone grise : Un document de réflexion en matière d’intervention féministe auprès des femmes et des enfants, Ottawa, Action ontarienne contre la violence faite aux femmes, p. 10-11. [French only]
Our Funders
Our organization is funded by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services. We are extremely grateful for the confidence and support received from our funders. Without their unconditional support, we would not be able to deliver quality services to women.